The word asana simply refers to the physical poses and postures that take place during yoga. Along with breathing and meditation, it is one of the “eight limbs” of yoga. In general terms, asanas can describe the general style of yoga with movement. Or it can mean a single pose. For example, a downward dog is an asana.
The literal translation of the asana is “seat,” but the term is more specifically related to yoga poses. Speaking in Sanskrit, you will find that all yoga poses are followed by asanas. For example, in Sanskrit, a downward-looking dog is known as Adho Mukha Shvanasana.
Vinyasa is a yoga style that features a flowing sequence of poses. This is different from hatha yoga, which is a slow practice focused on holding one pose at a time. In many classes, I hear the teacher use the word vinyasa to indicate that breathing needs to be associated with movement. For example, you can inhale when you move upwards and exhale when you move down. While you are worshiping the sun, the teacher may say, “Inhale with the upward dog, pause, and exhale when you step into the downward dog.” Say it’s part of all sorts of practice.
This Sanskrit term refers to breathing or breathing. Roughly translated prana means “life force” and Yama means “dominate”. In short, pranayama is about controlling breathing through a variety of exercises. According to Richard Rosen, a yoga teacher since 1987, Pranayama’s original intention was to calm down in preparation for meditation. When I hear the word pranayama in class, the teacher encourages everyone to focus on breathing. It’s easy to forget to breathe when everyone is in a position that requires concentration!
At the beginning of each lesson, the teacher reminds you to “use your Ujai Breath”. This breath is a type of pranayama with both nasal inhalation and exhalation. To complete this breathing technique, you need to narrow your throat a little, but for now, when the teacher uses the term ujjayi, remember to inhale and exhale through your nose. .. There are many different breathing techniques you will encounter in a yoga class, but the default setting is Ujai Breath. You can start the class with other breathing techniques such as the Lion Breath (also known as simhasana in Sanskrit). Other types of breathing include closing the nostrils to increase oxygen flow and overall energy levels. However, as you progress through most yoga poses, your instructor will remind you to use Ujai Breath. Ujai is also known as “Breath of the Sea” or “Breath of the Warrior”. Ujjayi’s breathing involves inhaling and exhaling through the nose with deep inhalation and exhalation. Exhale and pretend to cloud the mirror.
Drishti is a focused gaze designed to bring attention, focus and intent to oneself. Yoga has nine Dristis, including focusing on the navel, looking up, and looking at the toes. When playing yoga poses (asanas), instructors often remind you where to focus your gaze. Drishti performs several functions in yoga practice. The main purpose is to build self-esteem while allowing you to withdraw. When you are in meditation, practicing proper Drishti will help you focus.